Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thank you friend

dan lagu-lagu di radio seolah2 memerli aku... pabila kau bersama yang lain...

this here chick is Malaysian-born Yuna... ntah... just think the song Dan Sebenarnya is cool....

no connection to this entry whatsoever.... proceeding...

I heard this story from a good friend of mine. I guess God put me where I am so I could meet more of Gods unique creations.... Alhamdulillah...

One day, while atecher was teaching in class one of her students was staring out into the window, when asked what was wrong, the sudent asked

"Miss, how do you know when you love someone?"

The teacher smiled... "i want you to go out to that field of flowers on two conditions, first you must keep on walking straight, and second, you must never look back. Pick what you think is the most beautiful flower, ONLY ONE and bring it back to me"

Puzzled, this boy went out and minutes within the field he spotted the most beautiful flower. He picked it and just as he did, he saw another one, he threw his flower and walked forward to pick that one. upon picking it he realized that the previous one was better, but he cannot go back. He walked forward and suddenly saw another beautiful flower. the same thing happened over and over again until he reached the end of the field. he had no flowers in his hand.....

frustrated he went back to his teacher....

"so, which one did you pick?"

the boy explained what happened and the teacher smiled. "now, i want you to walk into that forest and cut down what you think is the most beautiful tree, same rules okay"

the boy walked into the forest, looked around and walked to the first tree he saw that was beautiful... while cutting it down, he noticed other beautiful trees but he did not care. he took the tree back to his teacher.

"this is the most beautiful tree you found?"

"no Miss, I saw a lot of beautiful trees... but this is beautiful no matter what and i do not want to risk losing it, ever"

the teacher said happy: "my boy, that is how you know......"

P/s: thanks my friend for sharing this story with me..... good luck to us all....

1 comment:

nizam said...


there was a time when i hv the most beautiful tree..