Saturday, November 29, 2008

return you four legged thingy....

i wanna take this time to do a little praying......
there.... ouh... the reason is because my cat Chico back in Malaysia has not returned home for 2 days...
we are concerned of you little fellow.... lets hope you safely make it back home


Syukur Alhamdulillah... my parents have safely landed in Mecca to perform the Haj'...
pray for thier well-being everyone


Lydia said...

Good to know ur parents are fine there.

Hope Chico akan pulang ke jalan yg benar.

Mizz Araiztocrat said...

Baby tak balik lagi... =(

Iman Hayat said...

oh dear...he must be out and about looking for u.

goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......