hmm... its tru i gues... the fuel price is BLARDy expensive.... ppl say saya berkira... mmg la kene berkira... its friggin expensive la... i knoe u guys suruh saya turun shah alam to hang out... i can but i really haf to make sure the journey is worthwhile... kalu pegi jamming i dun mind... haha.

dis my baby, i'm gonna love her long time!
neways dat day i tot i havent gone speeding in a long while. i had to send my sister back to shah alam so i sed... "hmm... da lama x bawak dia jalan jauh2, ksian dia....bole la speeding kejap" so after taking my sis to midvalley [nandos sangat bes oke!!!] its time tu go.... i sed to myself "how bad could this fuel issue be??" At that time there was
half a tank of fuel. it was 10 pm.... i entered federal highway.... YA WES! JALAN CLEAR!!!!....
so off i went.... 80...90...100...110...120... oke la... maintain la sampai shah alam.... since my cars radio was out [wat to do... no munny maaa na repair] i can clearly hear the sound of my car revving to its limit... al maklum, kereta lama.... :p i wanted to go faster but considering the condition of things and my sister beside me, i sed "NOT TONIGHT".
tau2 i reached shah alam tol alreddy... well, it was nice after not going that fast for a long time. so i sent my sis to her house... then i couldnt help but drop by my frens place nearby... i pulled up, chatted with them fer about 15 mins n started my car to go home... then i saw the horror that stood before me>>>>>>

HOLY SHIZZZNIT.......!!!!!
whad da heck!!! oke fine it was my fault anyways... she is known to be very "thirsty".... mmg suke telan minyak... so oke lah... i didnt wanna go back on an empty tank... i searched for the neare

st petronas available... never thot shah alam had so many of these gas stations.... near MSU je da ada 3! hahaha... hmm... rm50 shud do it... paling2 lepas la dapat balik umah... i paid the guy n started filling the tank.... dusyum! bunyi pam minyak tu (i tink laa bunyi dia camtu... hahah) my thots: letihnya na pengang pump ni lama2.... my hands x sempat na lenguh lagi tau2 da habeh da.... OMG.... banyak tuu jeee masuk????? Sugar Honey Ice Tea! ntah brapa liter tah... it was to sikit fer me to remember (or even want to remember).... mmg lepas ni kalu na kuar sah2 kene think twice.... i started the car.... eleeeehhh... x naik pon meter.... pastu kaaaan.....
i drove home.....
SLOWLY....... :(
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